Noticed something interesting last night while on for dinner at 360. The mall has started their shuttle service for people who may want to be transported if parked at a distance in the parking lot all the way to the mall. although it was tempting to try it we were rushing to feed our empty stomachs.
I remember being in the ibn batuta mall in Dubai last year and noticing that they had an in mall shuttle service which simple takes people around through the 9 concept mall.
For those that havent been there, the mall is basically 9 different malls under one roof or was it 6 i forget .. anywho it conceptualises on the key locations that the great arab scholar Ibn batuta travelled to. Now for a mall of that size its only fair to have such a service given that it would be super helpful for people such as
- Handicapped folks
- seniors /elders
- mothers with babies and lots of things to carry
- The ocassional lazy folks who dont wannna walk the parking lot distance.
I wonder if avenues would start something similar when all 5 phases are complete.