
Suits and Makeover.

Have you been procrastinating a much needed makeover..a professional one to be precise. I know I have been with my resume..6 months and counting (Meh). To speed things up, I decided to take the easy route out aka Dr Google.

Here’s what your’s truly stumbled upon after some random meaningless well intended searches on the web. Loft Resumes which is an easy to do guide on resume templates and how to jazz them up a wee bit.

Much too often the value of a well documented and meticulously presented CV is discounted both by employers and employees for a host of valid and..some not so valid reasons.
The key of course to capitalizing on an ideal CV involves the effort of both the candidate in question as well as the employer in hand. Hence although it may not be viable to expect the interviewer to grasp through every alphabet on the resume, you may want to just get enough of his / her attention from the pile he has to go through.Loft Resumes teaches you how.

Do check it out.


Side note: Harvey Specter from “Suits” ..*drool J

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