
Gratitude Round up.

creating gratitude in children
Picture Source: theconfidentmom

The saying holds true till date, "good things last for a short while". Which is why ever so often almost inevitably every year, we realize how quickly the month of Ramadan passes us by despite our efforts to enjoy it in slow motion (not to mention did anyone notice we are already almost in Septemeber..not sure where the year went).

Nevertheless, it serves its purpose for most of us and reminds us of the good things Life has to offer. This year, as an additional reminder I decided to do something different through a special series of " What Kuwait gave you". You may remember it from here

Although I initially planned to run atleast 1 post a day for this with the aim to get 30 posts for the 30 days of Ramadan, things took a turn during the month given everyone's schedule, timing and other things that got in the way. But hey Im not complaining, Thats still 15 people from different backgrounds and 15 posts to let us all in on their top 5 gratiutude list and thats quite a round up that Im happy to start with.

A special shoutout to all those took the effort to help me out on this little assignment with their inputs. It definetly will serve as a good read going forward. So much so that I am going to attempt to do one post of this series a week..why not stretch it beyond the ramadan month :) 

My attempt would be humble and stretch the target group far and wide. If you'll havent got around reading it yet, here is a round up of all the 15 people I got to rank their blessings from being in Kuwait.

Cheerios all!

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